Recommended Reading – Or Viewing

“Schizophrenia” Disrupts Brain’s Entire Communication System

Which is just one of the reasons why Cerebral Illness, Mens Rea and Actus Rea cannot be arbitrarily segregated as the law, out of ignorance dictates. The communication system involves the conversion of mentation to goal-directed behaviors, and moreover, these unfathomably complex neural processes are not linear.  When that mentation is generated out of a state of severely disordered consciousness, it is cruel to punish the behaviors.

Mental Health vs Mental Illness

*Not only should the media and government stop conflating mental health with cerebral illness, we should stop equating so-called mental illness (which is estimated to affect 18 % of the population) with serious cerebral illness (which is estimated to affect only about 4% of the 18%). 

Mental Illness vs Brain Disorders: From Szasz to DSM-5

About Primary vs Secondary Psychosis

Note: The link to the external article is imbedded in a commentary by Due Justice Project.
A brief history of how “schizophrenia” and other neurological disorders became so-called ‘mental illness’
*Thanks to someone in DJP’s advocacy network for the link to this article.

Excluding Institutions for Mental Diseases From Federal Reimbursement for Services: Strategy or Tragedy?

This is a well written, well documented history on the IMD Exclusion. Aside from this, one curious comment that is attributed to the famous historical figure Dorothea Dix: “Ms. Dix suggested a remedy: “No disease is more manageable or more easily cured than insanity…”. It is shocking to learn that she said this, but at that time, even though Ms. Dix was enlightened in many ways, so-called Insanity was not understood. In the earliest times of the Asylum Movement, Institutions of mental disease were viewed as places where people could be restored morally, and this mindset exposed the residents of those facilities to coercive and sometimes punitive rehabilitation measures. It is no wonder that misunderstanding of severe neuropsychiatric illness, perceived as “mental illness” contributed to the failed social experiment of deinstitutionalization (called dehospitalization in the article) and the discriminatory IMD Exclusion policy. (commentary on how the Supreme Court has weighed in on this matter of discrimination and suspect class will be posted elsewhere on this site).

Link to a collection of insightful articles by writer/advocate Susan Inman

Young man’s “Schizophrenia” cured when treated for acute myeloid leukemia.

Mental Health Kills the Mentally Ill

This article is from 2011, but is more relevant than ever.


Stop Using ACE to Make Claims about Trauma causing Serious Cerebral Illness

Due Justice Project finds it appalling that the federal government agency, SAMHSA, works so aggressively to push trauma ideology in the manner described in the ‘Recognizing Trauma’ article. These kinds of practices virtually guarantee that clinicians will produce findings of personal history of psychological trauma and will reflect these findings in medical records.
note:  DJP holds the position that the insurance industry and government programs should disallow ICD 10 code Z91.49 “personal history of psychological trauma” on reimbursement claims for neuropsychiatric illness.
DJP strongly suspects that the psychology and psychiatry industry might be “manufacturing” statistics in correlation with serious neuropsychiatric illness. Correlation does not equate to causation, but unfortunately, at least three domains of fallacy may be construed by these aggressive (almost militant) practices: Correlation, Prevalence, and Causality.   The Topic of trauma-informed care and the belief system of traumagenesis of “mental illness” is so serious that it deserves its own page – it will be coming soon…(9/30/18)

Mother Jones article: Kids locked up – “incompetent to stand trial”

The criminal justice system doesn’t concern itself about the dire implications on criminal responsibility where there is neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive unfitness for trial, it only fixates on the primitive drive to prosecute and to remove the IST obstruction to getting on with its business in court.

excerpt from article:

In one egregious case, according to a legal director at the National Juvenile Defender Center, children were asked to watch episodes of Law & Order to prepare for their trials.

Letter to the editor illustrates how people think of “mental illness” as poor character or criminal-mindedness

“It’s time to cut tax payer expense and put these people back in institutions where they will no longer have a free ride on our streets at our expense absent any incentive to grow up and become responsible”

Antipsychotic-induced Encephalopathy

Although DJP is a proponent of pharmaceutical treatment for “Schizophrenia”, this article is noteworthy.  The study cited in this article certainly makes the case for differential diagnosis. That is not the point of the article, however, the authors’ language veered toward irresponsible figurative speech in asserting that “antipsychotics heal the schizophrenic brain but destroy the normal brain”. Antipsychotics do not cure “schizophrenia” and moreover, can have some very serious side-effects. The medical profession worries itself with the pitfalls of failing to diagnose medical/neurologic disorders vs “psychiatric”. However, the profession fails to reckon with the implicit evidence that the “schizophrenia” symptom complex is itself a type of encephalopathy – if it were not an encephalopathy, then antipsychotic medications would do damage to the “schizophrenic brain” as was done to the subject patient in this article.

Delirium as a Cause of (Assaultive) Behaviors

Excerpt: “It certainly reinforces my statement that the behavior in healthcare is clinical—not criminal.”  …”What if security was more informed about mental health issues, or delirium, or what happens to an individual as they’re withdrawing from alcohol or drugs? What if security weren’t called only to be enforcers of rules and policies, but were seen as a part of the care team?”

Evolving Notions of Schizophrenia as a Neurodevelopmental Neurocognitive Disorder

Neurocognitive Deficits: Aberrant Brain Changes in Adolescent-Onset Sz

APA Resolution on Interrogation of Criminal Suspects

Cognitive Deficits in “Schizophrenia” (JFNS)

Mental Health First Aid: “Marketed” by MH Community – But has little to no relevance to psychosis

Impaired mental proprioception in schizophrenia

Think that you are in control of your thoughts? – Not So Much

Sleep (Consciousness Disorder) Behind Frightening Content of Psychotic Thoughts?

First Episode Psychosis and the Criminal Justice System

What Parents Should Know…

Formerly Homeless Woman Angry that No One Forcibly Helped Her

Huff Post Guest Writer: America Can’t Incarcerate Away Our Mental Health Crisis

Schizophrenia Affects the Body, Not Just the Brain

The preceding article supports DJP’s asserts that the medical community should cease distinguishing “primary psychosis” (formerly “functional psychosis)  from “secondary psychosis”.  Under this proposition, Schizophrenia would no longer be classified as a “mental illness”, it would be a medical disorder that primarily manifests as disordering the semblance of mind created by brain functionalities.

PA Legislators propose system for anonymous threat reporting

At a time when families cannot get help for their loved one with SMI, who are symptomatically dangerous (as an illness and not a form of criminality), Pennsylvania legislators want to copy systems in other states that might lead to criminal justice entrapment of people who need medical evaluation and treatment – as in this case involving the FBI:

Dangerousness standard eventually leads to death of Detective

Video: DJ Jaffe Talk at National Council for Behavioral Health

The Roots of the Concept of Mental Health

This paper reviews the origins of the current concept of mental health, starting from the strange mental hygiene movement, initiated in 1908 by consumers of psychiatric services and professionals interested in improving the conditions and the quality of treatment of people with mental disorders. The paper argues that, more than a scientific discipline, mental health is a political and ideological movement involving diverse segments of society, interested in the promotion of the human rights of people with mental disorders and the quality of their treatment
The media is leading a national conversation about mental health and violence, most often speaking of mental health and mental illness as if they are the same thing.  They are not.

Armed with court orders and thick skins, deputies try to rescue mentally ill Iowans

8 Myths About Serious Mental Illness

Major Mental Illnesses Share Brain Gene Activity